how to help the deceived

How to Help the Deceived

Paul was on death row. The time of his departure was at hand (2 Timothy 4:6). The brethren he was leaving behind were under assault from false teaching. Hymenaeus and Philetus were overthrowing the faith of some with lies about the resurrection (2 Timothy 2:18), and others were promoting similarly profane ideas.  And the damage…

"Undercurrents": Unseen dangers lurk beneath life's surface. Stay anchored to God amid the subtle currents that tempt and deceive.


This past summer, I read articles about people dying in and from the results of undercurrents in the ocean near the shore.  One person who caught my attention was a strong retired professional athlete who was swimming in the ocean with friends. While they were struggling to make it back to shore, he drowned.  Undercurrents…

The Truth

The Truth

The expression “My truth” is a point of view. It is an assertion rejecting reality. It is a means of trying to have things our own way. “My truth” is an offspring of humanism.  It is a declaration that our observation is the only thing that matters. It closes the door to further discussion and…

"Commandments of Men" warns Christians about the dangers of creating rules and laws for ourselves rather than listening to Scripture only.

Commandments of Men

One sure way to offend the Creator is to start creating laws for Him. Jesus said in Matthew 15:8-9, “These people draw near to Me with their mouth, And honor Me with their lips, But their heart is far from Me. And in vain they worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.” Traditions…