The power of the gospel is on display in the profound ways it changed polytheistic societies, transforming sinners into saints.

The Power of the Gospel

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ; for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek (Romans 1: 16).  The word power, as used in our text, is from the Greek word “dunamis”, and is used in the sense…

Goodbye Death Valley recounts the author's trip through Death Valley and spiritual lessons he derived from the experience.

Goodbye, Death Valley

A wagon train reached the top of a mountain pass, and was prepared to descend into the valley below. One man of the party turned for one last look at the valley they had just left, and waving his hand with a gesture of great relief, cried, “Goodbye Death Valley.” This wagon train was composed…

The Humanity of Christ explores the mystery of Christ in the flesh, revealing Himself, setting the perfect example, becoming our High Priest

The Humanity of Christ

And the word was made flesh, and dwelt among us (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father) full of grace and truth—John 1:14 Perhaps to many the incarnation of Christ, is the greatest mystery of the entire Bible, the one fact hardest to understand, and yet the…

The love of the truth explores the significance of truth, deception, and salvation in light of God's word. Truth leads to eternal safety.

The Love of the Truth

The very first sin committed on earth was a result of believing the devil’s lie in preference to accepting God’s truth. God had told Adam and Eve that eating of the forbidden fruit would bring death, but the serpent contradicted God, and with his smooth, deceptive words beguiled the woman, and she fell into his…

Why we need Jesus: find purpose, peace, and hope in a world filled with turmoil. Embrace the path to eternal happiness.

Why We Need Jesus

Man is a very intelligent being, but his intelligence and wisdom are greatly limited. That limitation is indicated by the fact that very often he does not realize his greatest needs, I am sure that heaven’s greatest grief is the fact that the average person has little consciousness of his need of God. And the…

Who is Jesus? Discover the extraordinary life of Jesus Christ, the central figure of human history and the ultimate redeemer of sinners.

Who Is Jesus?

Jesus Christ was born in the meanest of circumstances, but the air above was filled with the hallelujahs of the heavenly host. His lodging was a cattle pen, but a star drew distinguished visitants from afar to do Him homage. His birth was contrary to the laws of life; His death was contrary to the…

The purpose of this paper was established in January 1961 when the first editor and publisher, Roy Loney, sent out a new publication.

The Purpose of This Paper

Any sensible, intelligent undertaking must have a definite purpose, and in starting the publication of this paper, I will print this statement from Bro. Wm. Hensley, the author of the article on “What Must I Do To Be Saved.” “A religious journal is of little value to the many unless it clearly implies to the…

Is God a myth? Skepticism over the existence of God continues apace in the Western world with some churches falling prey to its advance.

Is God a Myth?

In the city where I live, there are many churches, a conglomeration of many faiths or beliefs. From the standpoint of soul saving, there is little excuse for some of them to exist, for they make no effort to bring people into a closer walk with God. In a recent edition of a weekly paper…