What was the Sin of Moses?

In Numbers 20, we read about the story of Moses bringing water from the rock and committing a sin that was so egregious that it kept him from entering the promised land. There seems to be a different explanation of this sin for every commentary ever written, so perhaps we can’t all agree on the…

Two Sons and a Loving Father

Finding fault in others, while missing or overlooking our own faults, is a characteristic that humans have perfected.  Jesus observed this human failure and addressed it though his wise teaching many times.  In the story of the lost son (Luke 15:11-32), Christ provides an example that is easy to miss, but one Christians should take…

The Coming of the Canon

Since the 2003 publication of Dan Brown’s novel, The Da Vinci Code, a great deal of misinformation has been circulating concerning the New Testament’s origins, namely, how its books were collected, when, and by whom.  Despite the book’s opening disclaimer that it is a work of fiction, its fabricated history has come to be believed…

Be Sober

Our society has a specific use for the term sober.  Upon hearing the word sober I would guess that for most of you your first thought would go to substance abuse.  Sober is used to describe a person who is free from alcohol or drugs.  This is certainly an appropriate use of the term.  A…

Thinking Christians

A Pharisee who was a teacher of the Law asked Jesus, “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”  Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love…

Dying on the Road to Baptism

What happens if a person dies before being baptized? Specifically, what if that person made it known that he wants to be baptized and was preparing, then died before his baptism? Such questions are usually asked during a discussion or debate about faith and works. Where do faith and works meet? Can faith justify purely…

Creator, Redeemer, and Judge

In the Bible God has revealed himself to humanity in numerous ways, including three distinct roles that belong uniquely to him, defining God, each one a position of power and authority, each one meriting gratitude, obedience, respect, honor and praise. One of several places we find these three great attributes and works of God described…

Striving and Thriving

In striving against sin, it should help to remember that… #1. You are not alone. Your temptations are not so rare that no one can relate to them. Sometimes, a Christian may begin to believe that he’s all alone in his struggles, that no one could possibly understand. This pleases Satan, since it inclines us…

When God Became A Man

John taught that God became a man: “the Word was God… And the Word became flesh” (John 1:1, 14). When did the Word become flesh? “Christ Jesus, who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a…