Worship Requires Sacrifice

Americans love convenience.  From microwaves to pizza delivery, from cell phones to high-speed Internet, from drive-through funeral viewings to drive-in church, Americans have become increasingly fond of—and accustomed to—convenience.  And convenience is certainly nice in its place.  After all, who isn’t glad to be liberated from the time-consuming, back-breaking drudgery of doing things the “old-fashioned…

A Simple Yet Proper Perspective

Many, if not most, of the truths presented in God’s word are being attacked and dismissed by a growing number of people in our society.  A large number of these attacks are coming from various segments of the sciences including geology, biology, sociology, etc.  There is a growing segment of everyday people who simply accept…

Imitating God

Perhaps you have known of children who put on their parent’s shoes.  I can remember as a child trying to walk around our house in my father’s shoes.  It was a difficult task, as the shoes were rather large compared to my little feet.  Yet there was great enjoyment in this activity.  Certainly, it bemused…

Surviving the Assault

The Church as a whole suffers from an assault on two fronts.  As Christians, we need to be aware of these two fronts and how to turn back these assaults so that they do the Church no harm.  The first line of assault is always from an external source.  The world would happily overrun us,…

The Shedding of Blood

Salvation in Jesus Christ While God is pleased with human obedience, no amount of good deeds can overcome sin.  In order to forgive our sins, God requires a sacrifice.  No ordinary sacrifice will suffice.  Blood must be shed, and only the blood of Jesus forgives sins. “For all have sinned and fall short of the…

Many Called Few Chosen

“For many are called, but few are chosen” (Matthew 22:14). This statement by Christ should lead us to ask several clarifying questions.  Who is called?  Who is chosen?  Finally, what is the manner of their choosing? Who is called?  Jesus’ statement is made at the conclusion of the parable of the wedding feast.  In this parable…

The Son of God

Who is Jesus of Nazareth?  Some say Jesus was a purely historical figure, a moral and ethical teacher par excellence, but only a man.  Others believe Jesus is Michael the Archangel in flesh and blood.  Still others believe He was a notable prophet with a few predecessors and one superior successor.  One of Jesus’s closest…

God the Father

Throughout time and inspired scripture, we find God revealing Himself to mankind in a variety of ways.  Romans 1:20 tells us “for since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead.”  It’s amazing to think the vast creation…