I Have Seen God

It happened on one of our tours of the Bible Lands some years ago.  There is usually very limited rainfall in the Judean desert and down by the Dead Sea, but on this particular day there was an unusually torrential rain.  Our tour bus was traveling southward along the west side of the Dead Sea. …

Troubling Times

I t would be interesting to know how many generations have reached a certain point that they say, “We live in troubling times.”  I imagine that it may have been said by every generation since Adam.  It seems that as we mature into adulthood, we are able to have enough history to use our wisdom…

The Five C’s in Salvation

There is no one word adequate to fully explain the plan of salvation.  The Scriptures mention so many different things on both God’s part and man’s part that together are involved in our salvation.  Certainly, we cannot be saved without God’s grace and our faith (Ephesians 2:8).  Nor could there be salvation without the sacrifice…

Under the Sun

Solomon began his reign well.  When God granted him any request, Solomon asked for wisdom and was given riches, peace, and length of days to boot.  He realized his father’s vision by building God’s house in Jerusalem.  He expanded Israel’s territory to its farthest extent and accumulated great wealth for God’s people.  However, the many…

You Remind Me Of…

Parents thrill when someone comments that one of their children reminds them of the parent or is the “spitting image” of them.  Sometimes it’s based on looks; other times it’s mannerisms.  But seeing some resemblance is usually a thrilling occurrence. For centuries, theologians have tried to grasp the ramifications of passages from Genesis in which…

Thoughts on Marriage

Here’s how to have a problem-free marriage from a man with 55+ years of experience: Put Christ 100% into your life.  Let him take charge of your marriage (Ephesians 5:21-28). Refuse to accept the idea that the honeymoon is over after three or four days of marriage. It can last as long as you live…

Worship Requires Sacrifice

Americans love convenience.  From microwaves to pizza delivery, from cell phones to high-speed Internet, from drive-through funeral viewings to drive-in church, Americans have become increasingly fond of—and accustomed to—convenience.  And convenience is certainly nice in its place.  After all, who isn’t glad to be liberated from the time-consuming, back-breaking drudgery of doing things the “old-fashioned…

A Simple Yet Proper Perspective

Many, if not most, of the truths presented in God’s word are being attacked and dismissed by a growing number of people in our society.  A large number of these attacks are coming from various segments of the sciences including geology, biology, sociology, etc.  There is a growing segment of everyday people who simply accept…