
It seems to be human nature to emphasize and think highly of large numbers of people, in particular as it relates to churches. After all, if such a large number of people believe or do something, it must be a good thing. Right?   Actually, not really. Nowhere is this more important than in religion. Unfortunately…

The Resurrection of Jesus

Outside of creation itself, the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ was perhaps the greatest series of events in the history of mankind based on its effect upon man.  Upon the historical facts and the many lessons we can learn from the resurrection hangs the very essence of the gospel of Christ and His…

Dealing with Heartbreak

There are many serious issues we all must deal with in a lifetime.  This is part of living in a physical world with its accompanying limitations and liabilities.  I would like to address a specific issue while coming from a perspective of having to live with one of the most heartbreaking things with which parents…

A Simple Yet Proper Perspective

Many, if not most, of the truths presented in God’s word are being attacked and dismissed by a growing number of people in our society.  A large number of these attacks are coming from various segments of the sciences including geology, biology, sociology, etc.  There is a growing segment of everyday people who simply accept…