The Unique Body of Christ

Because the church has been built by our Lord and continues to be governed by Him through His Scriptures, His church is not ours to manipulate to our image.  To be sure, it can be left by those who refuse to submit to His will, but it cannot be changed by man.  The letters to five of the seven churches in the Revelation letter teach that individual congregations can depart and separate from the Lord, but these unfaithful congregations cannot change the Lord’s church as a whole.  It remains complete and safe under His care.

Where I Am

“If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also. If anyone serves Me, him My Father will honor” (John 12:26). Recently, I was discussing with a brother about how my life changed one afternoon in August of 1978.  I was in, what I noted later, was the last…

Honor What is Holy

In the Old Testament, Jehovah gave Israel a number of instructions including the Tabernacle (and the various things inside of it), a Law to live by (including its various applications), as well as other things.  Israel was to value these teachings and instructions, primarily because they came from their God.  They were holy and were to be…

Acceptable Words

“Let the words of my mouth…be acceptable in Your sight” (Psalm 19:14). There are many differences between mankind and the rest of Creation.  One of the primary differences is our ability to communicate through words and sentences that express thoughts.  Yes, I know, animals communicate through various means, and yes, I have read that some…

The Spirit of Fear

“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control” (2 Timothy 1:7). One of Satan’s more destructive weapons of temptation against the people of God is to cause us to be afraid.  We are tempted to view the continuing spiral into darkness of our modern society with fear…

A Secondary Purpose

Many of us who love this country are disturbed to see our society spiral deeper into the wickedness that seems to prevail in these modern times.  It hurts us to see so many changes in regard to common decency and morality.  Certainly, the primary reason such wickedness prevails is because many are refusing the Lord’s…

You Follow Me

We, as the Lord’s people, are continuing to see our society spiral down into spiritual darkness in many avenues. Over the past generations we have seen our country disregard the Lord’s Word time and time again as the very fabric of our society continues to tear away in regard to common decency, morality, even marriage….

What is Your Closet?

Jesus says in Matthew 6:6, “But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.” This is a quotation from the NKJV, but it is one place where…