sin no more

“Go and Sin No More”

Thus, Jesus spoke to a woman caught in the act of adultery. Her accusers wanted to corner Jesus with this woman who had been so accused. This is recorded in John 8:1-11.  Through His ministry, Jesus put the leadership of Israel on notice concerning the righteous mercy of God and their own unrighteousness. Consider these…

Discover the power of "decent exposure." Learn how honesty, courage, and exposure can lead to self-improvement and spiritual growth.

Decent Exposure

Exposure is the experience of or contact with something. It could be a physical element or a social association. It is usually not a friendly term. Exposure is often used to articulate something bad or excessive such as radiation exposure, over or under-exposure, or even indecent exposure (something lewd, immodest, or criminal). But we want…

judgment and our savior

Judgment and Our Savior

We live in a world filled with sin. Our friends, neighbors, co-workers, and other people flaunt their sins on social media or in public. Some do it because they have blinded themselves to the wrong they are committing. Some do it to provoke a reaction in others. Some do it out of a misguided desire…

The wrath of God

A Redacted God

Imagine the appeal of a drive-thru church tailored to fit today’s culture: “Welcome to McChurch’s, where you can have Him your way. May I take your petition, please?” “Hello, yes, I’d like to order a Savory Savior Burger with extra blessings and a side of forgiveness. Um. . . better super-size that this week. Oh,…

What Shall it Profit You?: Material possessions fade, but your soul's salvation is eternal. Seek to please God and secure eternal life.

What Shall It Profit You?

Jesus warned against choosing the wrong goal in life. “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”—Mark 8:38. No matter how great our material success in life might be in achieving possessions, power, honor, and prestige; it will be of no benefit to us if our…