
The American saying, “You can’t have your cake and eat it too,” expresses a truth acknowledged by other cultures.  The Albanians say, “To take a swim and not get wet.”  The Portuguese talk of “wanting the sun to shine on the threshing floor while it rains on the turnip field.”  In Vietnam, they warn “you…

I Am Resolved

If God is willing, as the calendar changes to 2017, approximately 45% of Americans will resolve to make a change in the upcoming year.  Most will resolve to lose weight.  Others will endeavor to better organize their lives, spend less money, quit smoking, or spend more time with their families.  Twenty-five percent will give up…

Such Were Some of You

On June 26, 2015, the United States Supreme Court ruled that laws prohibiting the union of same-sex couples were un-Constitutional.  Justice Anthony Kennedy, the author of the majority opinion in the case of Obergerfell v. Hodges, tucked this caveat into the ruling, “Many who deem same-sex marriage to be wrong reach that conclusion based on…

What Can Man do to Me?

Because the values of societies either differ one from another or change over time, it seems that some parts of the Bible carry more relevance to some generations. For example, Ecclesiastes is particularly well suited to identify the consequences of humanistic or atheistic thought in a post-modern world. John’s gospel account bears greater weight in…

Ordaining Deacons

Editor’s Note: In the May issue of this publication, your editor announced the appointment of two men to the office of deacon by an evangelist. Your editor received the following inquiry from one of our subscribers: “Why does it say the evangelist ‘appointed’ deacons? Please explain to me using Bible verses why that could happen….


When we reach the summit of Hebrews, the author’s proof of the New Covenant’s superiority dismisses all potential debate with his moving conclusion, “But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem” (12:22). In this soaring language, we see the magnificent position to which Christians have…

Treasures in Heaven

The parable of the unjust steward is among the most thought provoking of all the parables of Jesus. The steward, who was soon to lose his position due to either incompetence or negligence or both, negotiates with his master’s debtors, settling with them for pennies on the dollar. He does so to win favor for…

The First Love

The letters to the seven churches of Asia provide a full picture of the church. Though each of these congregations face unique circumstances and challenges in comparison with one another, they are not unique in comparison to other churches down through the centuries. There have been churches like Pergamos or Smyrna or Laodicea since the…

The First Love

The letters to the seven churches of Asia provide a full picture of the church. Though each of these congregations face unique circumstances and challenges in comparison with one another, they are not unique in comparison to other churches down through the centuries. There have been churches like Pergamos or Smyrna or Laodicea since the…